HD Cold For Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Long Term Storage
HD Cold for fresh fruits & vegetables storage
HD Cold is a Patented French Technology solution that has been developed to Optimize the duration and quality of storage of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables which require specific temperature and humidity conditions with or without a controlled atmosphere.
HD Cold - Major Aspects
A patented solution designed for cold storage chambers for a better preservation of fruits and vegetables with an Innovative Technology.
More than 300 successful HD COLD chamber installations in Europe.
The system is designed to operate at very low evaporator Delta T while maintaining the Highest and Stable Rh @ 100% without the formation of water droplets.
HD COLD air coolers are specially designed equipment having incomparable ability of Blowing power and leading to top market performances.
The whole system is managed by a Patented PLC system with remote control.
The Heart of the HD COLD system monitors all the parameters of a cold chamber through integrated environment sensors.
Advanced Algorithms analyze and treat accurate operating information sent through integrated environment Sensors to automatically optimize online Operational Parameters.
An Eco-Friendly System which delivers Energy Efficiency, Lower Carbon Emission, Longer Preservation of Fresh Produce with Operational Efficiencies. Energy saving up 40% compared to a traditional system
Cooling to the core without Hydric Stress / Osmotic Stress.
Minimize Diseases related to water stress and thus keep optimal product freshness
Each fruit / Vegetable category has its own precise setting to maximize conservation results.